A Rare Self-Portrait :: Christina McNeill

Last year I spent an incredible two days with twenty seven other amazingly talented photographers at Phoot Camp. It took place in this ridiculously awesome mansion in the Los Angeles hills. Actually, the home was once owned by rockstar Duff from Guns N Roses; the new owners decided to keep the decor trapped in the eighties-hay day. (rad for us photographers). Amazing friendships and long lasting relationships definitely materialized. 

This year the bar is definitely raised to a whole new level. Laura, founder of Phoot CampPictory and EatRetreat has decided to make Phoot Camp 2011 in Marfa, Texas (swoon). I’m really bummed to say that because of my wedding schedule this year and the planning of my own wedding, I’m not able to make it. Although I know I cannot attend this year, i still wanted to be challenged and accept and conquer the assignment of a self-portrait, something i loathe so much. Special thanks to my friends Jose and Joel for pushing me to make this my new Twitter profile pic.  


Star Chapel Methodist Church Wedding :: Margery & Gary